September 19, 2007


Just wanted to do a quick update and let those that read the last post know that our dear friend John Martinson passed away Tuesday night after a week long battle. We are very sad that he is no longer with us. Please pray for his wife, who is pregnant with their first child, and family. They need it more than anything right now. I never thought that I would be attending the funeral for somebody my own age. Life is very precious. Let those that you love know so everyday.


Dani said...

That is the saddest thing I have ever heard. I said a prayer for them.

K.C. said...

Jason and I love you and Justin.

Mandi said...

I am really sad to hear about your friend passing away. I sat down and read his caringbridge site for a long time. It definitely puts any trials we have/will have into perspective.

Dani said...

ok so now you need a new blog entry. you cant leave this entry for months. Sorry. Too depressing. This is your blog. make it happy.